Thursday, December 22, 2005
how secular is new zealand?
Hat tip to New Zealand Post. These are the 2005 Christmas stamps. New Zealand post have very nicely sent us the orginals as computer files. We wanted to use the stamps as contextual, everyday visual images for our Christmas services, and their images on the web were too small. A few phone calls later and many MegaBytes later and we are ready to roll with some great powerpoint to rear project on white sheets around the auditorium.
Looking at these images yesterday caused me to wonder;
how secular is New Zealand when our national stamps still carry a Christian message?
how diverse are New Zealand spiritualities when our national stamps carry the Christian story?
Posted by steve at 10:01 AM
Last year I was impressed during a holiday on the Gold Coast when on secular radio the news reader was encouraging people to go to church to pray for rain as part of a “State Day of Prayer” asking for rain because “we all know about the power of prayer”
This year I was impressed with the TV One coverage of Christmas day church activity. Lots of different faces of Christianity presented and lots of different coloured faces too…
But to answer your questions – my experience says “secular by way of cynicism” – almost a reluctant secularism – cos it’s easier to be cynical about the whole deal than to discern the gold within the dross…
Comment by Randall — December 27, 2005 @ 8:21 am