Friday, July 06, 2012
end of week one: a full team
One of the key challenges over the last few months has been re-building the team at Uniting College. We’ve had three appointments to make:
- in April needing to replace a Ministry Practice Coordinator (the previous person felt God calling them to plant a multi-cultural church);
- in June needing to replace a Director of Missiology (the previous person felt God calling them to become Principal) – announcement here
- now needing to find a 0.5 Principal’s PA (the previous person felt God calling them to serve the next President of the Uniting Church in Australia).
This week, the last of the appointments was clarified. On Tuesday we offered the role of Principal’s PA to Eloise Scherer. Eloise and I worked together last year on the first Adelaide msm course. She is a key leader in the South Australian Youth Camp Out (SAYCO) team and has a deep faith and passion for justice and God’s kingdom. Work wise, she is currently Regional Coordinator (Rural SA Business) for a bank, with key roles including Executive Assistant and administrator to a staff of 20, organising regular conferences and providing training materials. I’m really looking forward to working with someone I’ve worked with before, and to what she will bring in terms of Christian passion and administrative and organisational skills among us.
So that’s a full team! Very exciting. Very satisfying. We are now:
Craig Bailey, Director of Leadership
Dr Vicky Balabanski, Co-Director of Biblical Studies (New Testament)
Dr Liz Boase, Co-Director of Biblical Studies (Old Testament)
Dr Rosemary Dewerse, Director of Missiology, Post-graduate Co-ordinator
Linda Driver, Administrative Officer
Rev Jo Fulton, Distance Education Coordinator
Rev Sean Gilbert, Ministry Practice Coordinator (0.7)
Dr Peter Gunn, Manager, Educational Resources and Administration
Rev Tim Hein, Director of Christian Education and Discipleship (0.5)
Annette Latham, Administrative Officer (0.5)
Craig Mitchell, Director of Christian Education and Discipleship (on secondment to the Assembly)
Rev Beatrice Panne, Lecturer in Pastoral Care (0.5)
Eloise Scherer, Principal’s PA
Nichola Shaw, Administrative Officer
Rev Dr Steve Taylor, Principal
Hi Steve great that you have a full team – hope that the coming year will be one of lots of work, fun, growth and learning at Uniting College.
Yesterday at CLG was the end of Day Camp service with stories and songs from Day Camp and communion – it was a good celebration and great to have a few of the children and their parents come along. This Sun is the induction of our new Rev at 3pm – he and his wife and 3 sons were at Day Camp all week, great to get to meet them. I will be away for a few days so unfortunately won’t be there.
Talked to a friend who came back from NCYC on Sat – a highlight for her was hearing Geoff Bullock speak and sing – she found it very inspirational. One of the songs our new Rev has chosen for his induction is “Lord I come to you” a Geoff Bullock song. Hi to the family, Jenny B
Comment by Jenny Brisbane — January 13, 2014 @ 7:26 pm