Wednesday, March 07, 2012
feeling the cross in Lent
Creationary: a space to be creative with the lectionary (in this case, visual images on themes of pilgrimage). For more resources go here.
Yesterday I ended chapel by inviting us to feel the cross. The lectionary text for this week is John 2, where Jesus calls the temple. We’d been using El Greco’s painting as a visual aid, to help us engage the story.
When I curate worship, I like to provide something tactile, something to touch, something that engages more of our senses than just ears to listen and mouths to sing.
Last year, while on study leave in the UK, I brought a small carved wooden pilgrims cross. So I suggested that as a benediction, we pass the cross around. As each of us hold it, we might remind ourselves of the invitation to carry the cross into our day, our week and through Lent. It was quite lovely, watching folk pass it from hand to hand, the different ways folk held it, the sense of us together becoming a cross-carrying community.
And of course, there was another whole layer provided by the lectionary text. We are not meant, like Jesus in John 2, to carry a whip. Rather we are called to carry peace, the way of non-violence, as we confront structures.
For those interested, this is the entire service (needed to be 20 mins), that included the lectionary Psalm and gospel, interaction in praise and around Scripture, some art, intercession for justice-makers, communion. And feeling the cross by way of benediction!
Tuesday 6 March Chapel
Thanks: Psalm 19:1-2. The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge.
Let us recall to each other: the last time we looked at the heavens, what did we see?
Reading Scripture: John 2:13-22; looking at El Greco art. Let us recall to each other: as we look, what do we see?
And so in response, we pray for all those who enact justice. We will do that by calling out the names of those known personally to us; and those agencies in Australia; and those who inspire us world wide.
We pray … for those we know personally; for those agencies; for those who inspire us worldwide.
We confess
All: we have wandered, bring us home
Grace, peace and purpose be upon you
Greet your neighbours with the sign of peace
Let us pray. Lift up your hearts, give thanks and sing
ALL: Hosanna, Hosanna
God of justice thanks for making us. Thanks for taking us, justly in Christ. Thanks for showing us the way, justly in the power of the Spirit
And so we recall the just acts of Jesus, Who said, take, eat this is my body, which is given for you
And take, drink, this is my blood shed for you. For many, for the forgiveness of sins
Spirit, bless it, bless us and bless all creation
All: As it was, as it is, as it will be
By human God, through abundant God, to the glory of Almighty God.
All: Amen
We believe this to be the body and blood of Christ. Not to be taken lightly. Let anyone who feels called is welcome to this table
Pour wine, break bread
These are the gifts of God, for the people of God.
Lord’s prayer together
Hold the cross:
Go in peace.
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