Thursday, January 05, 2006
out of bounds author interview and book stuff
Having read my out of bounds church? book, Darren Wright recently asked me some quite inciteful/insightful followup questions:)! Questions included…
my favourite cheese;
can the Hebrew Scriptures offer new models to the Church that is emerging;
gender balance in the emerging church;
seeing people as consumer or as tourist;
theological and missiological differences I see between the church that is emerging in Au, NZ, US and UK;
It was a fun interview, yet also really got me thinking. Thanks Darren. If you want to read the full interview go here. (For Darren’s extensive review of the out of bounds church? book go here.)
And while I’m book blogging, The out of bounds church? was rated the best book read in 2005 over at the Freeway and rated in Jordon Cooper’s top 5 for 05 .
emerging church postcards : Malaysia
For words about the image : birth : values : music: mission
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
emerging church postcards : Australia
For words about the image : birth : values : music: mission