Wednesday, October 29, 2008
communion with companions
I wrote the following today for my final chapel service at Parkin-Wesley; seeking to weave theologies of creation and community in relation to communion, mixed with some of my experiences of being here in Adelaide:
For where two or three are gathered
And so God created
gave us earth from which comes grain
gave us water which comes grape
made companions, for it is not good for one to be alone
And so we pause, and in the silence give thanks to God for the companionship of God’s creation
For where two or three are gathered, around table, with friends,
Jesus took bread, broke it, and gave it to them
Some would betray, some would stumble,
some would overpromise, others would underdeliver
“This is my body, which is for you, do this in remembrance of me”
And so we pause, and we give thanks to God for the body,
for our companions at Parkin Wesley, by passing the peace among each other
For where two or three are gathered: this (data projected) moment/image:
taken with my cellphone,
of a wine glass, a McLarenvale Grenache, taken at Samuels George
a Saturday two weekends ago
sitting with companions
And so we pause, and I invite you to name, first name only,
as an expression of thanks to God for the companions – parents, teachers, lovers, friends – that have brought you to this day,
In the same way after supper he took the cup
“This cup is the new covenant in my blood
do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me”
The “Companion” wine label, a new covenant – God for us, God with us, God among us,
And so we pause, and in the silence invite the Spirit to renew us,
that in grain and grape, our companionship – with God, with each other, with God’s creation – might be renewed
Come, eat, drink,
and then, as an expression of our companionship, we will conclude by saying together the Lords Prayer
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