Friday, March 05, 2021
Mission For A Change – Gender and Mission March with Rosemary Dewerse, Cathy Hine
Mission For a Change creates resources for those engaging in church mission, showcasing recent research and new ideas, as fresh thinking is applied in local contexts. Mission For a Change is ideal for ministers wanting some short, sharp lifelong learning, students wanting to discuss fresh thinking and all who care about the future of the church’s mission. For 45 minutes, every month, there is time for prayer, interview, Q and A and conversation about the “so what.”
Participants have appreciated Mission For a Change:
“Thanks – for creating the space, holding it open and enabling conversations and listening.”
“Thank you for facilitating these mission conversations. It feels ‘just right’ for me .. to find relevant material to expand my missional horizon … and to be time efficient about it.”
Mission For a Change on Wednesday 3 March, focused on Gender, mission and reading Scripture for liberation.
An interview with Rosemary Dewerse and Cathy Hine, explored their article – “Reading from Worlds under the Text: Oceania Woman and the missio Dei,” Mission Studies 37 (1) April 2020.
Is the history of Christianity full of “mansplaining”? Are there ways to read Scripture that give voice rather than create silence? What can we learn from Angelina Noble, Aboriginal mothers, Queen Sālote, Kate Sheppard, Hēni Te Kiri Karamu, Mary MacKillop and the Siwai mothers of Bouganville? As we approach International Women’s Day, how might Oceanic women help us tell stories of God’s mission?
Cathy provides leadership in When Women Speak, while Rosemary has recently helped with the authoring of Anaditj, by Aunty Denise Champion.
The interview is online here – Mission For A Change March Gender and Mission from steve taylor on Vimeo.
Mission For A Change will next focus on mission and climate change and the rich resource that is Words for a Dying World: Stories of Grief and Courage from the Global Church. Mission For A (Climate) Change will interview Rev Chris Douglas-Hurawai about his understanding of pepeha (a Māori way of introducing oneself) as a resource in climate change. The event will also include the playing of a recently written song by Rev Dr Maggi Dawn, fruit of her search for music of hope. A tentative date is May 5, 4:45-5:30 pm (NZT).
Other upcoming topics include
- Imagining mission and the gift of creativity
- Seeing mission, a quick tour of documentaries, films, images
For enquiries, contact Steve Taylor, Director AngelWings Ltd, by emailing: kiwidrsteve at gmail dot com.
To register to receive further information, monthly zoom links and reading resources go here.
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