Monday, September 17, 2007

stoning the prophets


A chance to listen
to the minor prophets, as they are read aloud

A chance to learn
from the minor prophets, through reflective space.

…dramatic reading aloud from the minor prophets
…candle light among river stones
(You are welcome to dress as a prophet)

Twelve Sundays, 5.30-6:45 pm
From 23 September – 16 December (with a break on November 4)
Opawa Baptist Church Friendship Centre (A frame building opposite the church)

September 23: Hosea
September 30: Joel
October 7: Amos
October 14: Obadiah
October 21:Jonah
October 28: Micah

November 4: Week off

November 11: Nahum
November 18: Habakkuk
November 25: Zephaniah
December 2: Haggai
December 9: Zechariah
December 16: Malachi

Posted by steve at 12:46 AM


  1. If I were not a half a world away, I would be there. We did a reading based, paragraph by paragraph study of Amos, Habakkuk, and Haggai this summer. It was amazing and this sounds even more amazing.

    Comment by Laura — September 17, 2007 @ 2:10 pm

  2. How did Hosea go? Or are you waiting for the whole series to comment…

    Comment by tim — September 28, 2007 @ 11:10 am

  3. hey tim, i gave some thoughts about it here ….

    peace, steve

    Comment by — October 1, 2007 @ 2:35 pm

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