Tuesday, March 03, 2015
Worth coming for the creative resources alone
“It’s worth coming for the creative resources alone,” said a happy punter as they tucked the order of worship into their bag. Yesterday we kicked off at Uniting College another year of Leadership Formation Days.
These aim to build community among individuals on the journey to ordination. So yesterday in small groups and with the aid of colour chips of paint, relationships were built.
They invite reflection on the practice of ministry. So yesterday input on Pauline spirituality and adaptive leadership in resource poor congregations. A rich, deep study of how Paul’s spirituality of ministry connected with the work of Heifetz (Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the Dangers of Leading), and provided richness for ministers in aging congregations.
They provide prayer and worship – in ways that are “worth coming for the creative resources alone.” So yesterday praise, for the generations before who had formed us, and intercession, for the generations we are involved in forming.
Names written on yellow and orange post-it notes, placed around the edge of the communion table. On which some godly play around the lectionary text was done, the giving of the 10 commandments. On which the communion elements, bread and wine were shared.
They share stories, in order to build our ability to work with the living documents that are the lives of people. So yesterday, two stories of the journey to ministry and the journey in ministry. A few tears, as redemption was enfleshed.
Eye opening and inspiring. The sand and the wonder, surrounded by yellow and orange names.
Completed by stories of wonder at the gift of our brokenness that God takes and uses for His Kingdom.
A powerful LFD.
Don’t miss them!!
Comment by Susan doughty — March 4, 2015 @ 6:12 pm
Cheers Susan. It was a very rich day indeed,
Comment by steve taylor — March 4, 2015 @ 6:54 pm