Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Affirmations from the outside
On Sunday I preached Matthew 15:22-28, Jesus encounter with the Syro-Phonecian woman. I was struck by her understanding of Jesus, her articulation of faith.
Sometimes in worship we draw on affirmations of faith, spoken statements about what we understand of Christ. These often come from those inside the church. Yet here in Matthew 15, Jesus declares the Syro-Phonecian woman has “great faith.” (15:28)
So what is the Affirmation of faith not from the “inside” but from the “outside”, from one outside the church?
I believe in God the compassionate (have mercy, my daughter is suffering – v. 22)
in whom is mercyI believe in Jesus the healer and helper (help me – v. 25)
from a royal line (Lord, Son of David – v. 22)
the radical boundary crosser (stepping across boundaries from your culture to my culture)I believe in a Spirit, generous
in calling me from past to present (moving beyond the pain of the past, your ancestor’s history with Canaanite).
Now isn’t that a faith worth affirming, an outsider Creed worth bringing into our midst?
I like it. Thanks Steve
Comment by sarah — August 20, 2014 @ 10:48 am