Wednesday, March 15, 2006
books resourcing my mission
On Tuesday with the Christchurch Presbyterians and on Thursday with the Dunedin Baptists I mentioned two books that have greatly resourced my mission and my thinking in the last six months.
Richard Peace, conversion in the New Testament
. This book looks at conversion in the New Testament. It helped me clarify how evangelism is both process and event. The highlight is a wonderful chapter on what evangelism-as-process might look like in a local church. This chapter resourced my thinking and preaching (here and here). This chapter then helped resource and spark an “evangelism-as-process” forum we had at Opawa in October. About twenty people at Opawa gathered to ask “what would evangelism-as-process look like at Opawa?” We prayed and discussed and dreamed. As a result, the previous Sunday at Opawa we launched five “birthing units.” Five people from the October forum wanted to run with their “evangelism-as-process” dream. We introduced:
: intermediate community programme
: family film night helping families find God at the movies
: spiritual resourcing through journalling and naming ceremonies
: third-age programme, offering financial, health, relational and spiritual resources
: grief work among children.
These are ideas dreamed up among our faith community, resourced by my preaching and leadership, largely due to conversion in the New Testament.
James Kemp, gospel according to Dr Seuss
. This book explores gospel themes that emerge from the stories of Dr Suess. It provides creative sparks for the Take a Kid to Faith services at Opawa. Take a Kid services involve all-ages exploring faith together. This book, gospel according to Dr Seuss
, gives me ideas that both engage kids and suggestion significant gospel themes.
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