Wednesday, October 17, 2012
bush theology
I’ve been on study leave the last few days. I booked out the time back in June to be in Tasmania with Cheryl Lawrie feeling art and space. That fell over.
So I’ve gone walking instead. About 25 minutes from home is the Onkaparinga National Park, which includes 17 km of gorge.
The plan has been simple. Walk and read. I’ve immersed myself in 2 Corinthians. The first day I read the entire book just for flow. Today I read it for images of mission. Walk for 20-30 minutes then read a few chapters. Walk again – Pondering what it means for mission, for leadership, for spirituality.
It’s been exactly what I needed. No internet access. Hard physical work. That sense of nurture being held deep by earth. Engagement with Scripture.
And along the way, some bush theology.
- Spirituality needs rapids and calm pools, shelter and sun. Both are to be enjoyed and appreciated.
- If you keep casting about there’s usually a path.
- Feeling lost generates anxiety. It can be lifegiving to ponder what generates anxiety and where is God in those moments of anxiety.
- Essential to renewal is giving space for earth to heal itself.
A but different from NZ bush walking, Steve. You probably didn’t need a raincoat, and you probabnly had to keep an eye out for emergent reptiles!
Interesting the way you did the walk and read and reflect stuff.
Comment by Chris Bedford — October 18, 2012 @ 3:38 pm
I did see a snake. Yep 🙂
Comment by steve taylor — October 18, 2012 @ 9:16 pm