Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Sunday’s worship was focused around hearts: Click to view image
you got a red heart as you came in;
and we read Ephesians 1 to each other – how God see’s our heart
you were invited to lay your heart at the cross
as we sung O love that will not let me go
you were invited to pick up a heart as a prayer for growth through hospitality; after I preached on growth through hospitality; Jesus and food and the gospels, with Emmaus Road text – full sermon here). You aren’t sure which heart you’ll get, which of course is part of Jesus challenge to growth thru hospitality
Posted by steve at 02:40 PM
You’ve done it – made me want to buy your book. I had originally thought I would wait until it was on special but you have given me a little tidbit and now I want a whole morsel followed by possibly the whole course.
Comment by Karen — February 22, 2005 @ 6:33 pm
the sermon is not directly based on the book, its more like “2 bits” from a few pages – the emmaus art piece and the list of jewish food dishes – sort of mixed together special like for Opawa, picking up on posts last week like displacement (http://emergentkiwi.org.nz/archives/displacement.php).
We are having a book launch at Manna soon – do you want an invite? i think they are going to special it for the launch (but don’t hold them/me to that)
Comment by steve — February 22, 2005 @ 9:38 pm