Sunday, April 02, 2006
kiwi in US
Booked for some June and July US trips last week. All groups are keen for the word to be spread about these gigs, so please spread the web-word if you can. Here are the details;
June 19-22; Ministry in the Postmodern. Tutoring at the Allelon Summer School. Details here (and note; they are using my book
, -tee he).
June 25-29. International Think Tank on Mission to Western Culture. First step in a 10 year project seeking to re-focus the missiology of Leslie Newbigin, with a particular emphasis on congregational practices. Details of the project here. This mix of missiologists and congregational practioners is really exciting, as is the intentionality and long term commitment.
July 17-21. MP541 Living the Text in a Postmodern Context.
Lecturing a one week intensive at Fuller Theological Seminary (not 2 weeks as I first indicated here). This is the course description I have put together (download file).
If you are planning on being in San Francisco during the time between Idaho & Fuller, we’d love to host you.
Comment by bob c — April 4, 2006 @ 5:54 am
i’ll have to see if i can drop in for one of these sessions. but they’re a little far from indiana!
Comment by shannon mcmillan — April 6, 2006 @ 11:27 am