Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Leadership exercise
Modern-day pastors work, whether we know it or not, out of a reservoir of received images of Christian leadership long list of American leaders Every time I enter a pulpit or a hospital room as a pastor, for good or ill, I bear memories of those who lived out this vocation before me. Knowledge of their sacrifices and achievements, their stumblings and mistakes, can help inspire and encourage me, correct and judge me in my ministerial work today. – Willimon, Pastor.
So who are the ministry models that shaped you, for good or ill? How are they inspiring and encouraging you?
PS. This prompted excellent discussion and prayer at our Opawa team meeting today.
Posted by steve at 08:39 PM
It would have been wonderful to be a fly on the wall…
Comment by Paul — March 10, 2004 @ 12:34 pm