Friday, April 01, 2011
mission in digital frontiers: a learning day with Andrew Jones
delighted to announce this –
mission in digital frontiers: a learning day with Andrew Jones
Thursday 28 April 1:30pm – 3:00pm Pioneering lessons
Pioneering is hard work and Andrew Jones has been doing it, and seeing it, for over 20 years. This session offers some wisdom on sustainability, dealing with difficulty and building creative partnerships. It is by invite only, by simply asking for the pioneer password. The aim is to encourage folk with a pioneering heart and is jointly hosted by Mission Resourcing Network and Uniting College.
3:45 – 5:15 pm Social media as fresh expression of mission
The digital world is a fast moving frontier. This session with explore the potential of blogs, Facebook, Twitter for congregations and communities in mission. The content will cover getting started, strategies for effective network and the shape of mission theology for a digital world. The aim of this session is to both upskill and encourage local churches to think about their use of the internet.
7-8:30 pm Social media and justice-making in God’s mission
This session will explore the relationship between social media and justice-making. Can the use of social media be an outworking of “Your Kingdom Come”? If so, how? The session will share stories from around the globe mixed with theological reflection. The aim is to explore the potential and pitfalls that face those surfing the digital frontier.
Andrew Jones aka Tall skinny Kiwi travels the world with his family in a 4×4 truck. They seek to see the world that God loves, to eat unusual food {but not too unusual} and to help change the world by telling stories, throwing parties, making friends and giving gifts. Andrew is interested in spirituality and religion as it collides with new media and the emerging culture.
Details: April 28 2011
Venue: Uniting College
Cost: $20 per session or $30 for two.
Here’s a publicity brochure, which doubles as a registration from – low res here, high res here – feel free to post in your church, email it onto your friends.
Am interested Steve. Is it OK for me? Bruce
Comment by Bruce Grindlay — April 2, 2011 @ 9:54 am
Danggit Steve, that photo of me is just horrible. I scored that jumper from an opp shop and one morning, without thinking about the consequences, I wore it and some paparazzi photography caught me off guard. dang. i look like a flippin’ idiot and advertisement for 1973 Scottish fashion.
cant you find a photo that makes me look cool? or fashionable? or even [dare i say it] respectable or even ACCEPTABLE?
now the hat, on the other hand, is cool. It cost me about 50p in Aberdeen at Salvation Army and its really REALLY old.
i will try to arrive in adelaide in the ugliest clothes i can find so that i dont disappoint your blog readers
Comment by andrew jones the idiot in that ugly jumper — April 15, 2011 @ 6:54 pm
we all know you are about substance, not style 🙂
Comment by steve — April 15, 2011 @ 7:12 pm
[…] Best intro to what we are doing next week is found on Steve’s blog: […]
Pingback by Mission in Digital Fronteirs: Learning Day in Adelaide | — April 18, 2011 @ 1:35 pm