Wednesday, June 06, 2007
missional church and missional agencies
Further to my post last week, today I am off to Rotorua to talk to about 100 gathered Kiwi mission agencies about how they might relate to missional church.
I have arranged my thoughts as such:
1. Define missional church
2.Define missional agency
3. Biblical understanding of missional church
4. A possible future
– Agency as myspace
– Agency as abbott
– Agency as global worship resourcer
I have really appreciated the comments and discussion by people on the blog and just wish I had more time, as I don’t feel I’ve read enough to do the invitation and topic justice. If you are really keen, here are my slides: download file (650K)
Posted by steve at 11:18 AM
All the best Steve. Would love to hear how it goes and how receptive the agencies are to your thoughts. Do you have any notes that go with the powerpoint? Would like to have a read if you have some, and if you don’t mind.
Comment by wokboy — June 6, 2007 @ 6:09 pm
steve i have offered a hasty and defensive (no doubt) response to your question on my blog
Comment by jonny — June 7, 2007 @ 3:03 am