Wednesday, December 08, 2004
sand and containers
New Zealand Listener, a national magazine, just rang, wanting to interview me about church and culture today. So we talked about Jesus having a step-dad, the foreshore and seabed issue, 20 tonnes of sand inside the church and 9 shipping containers, parked outside the church, as part of the Christmas Journey at Opawa Baptist Church.
And I tried to emphasise that the Christmas story demands we set outside our nice safe walls. The stable after all, was a long way from safety.
Posted by steve at 04:47 PM
Nine shipping containers, no wonder the Listener phoned!
Comment by tim — December 8, 2004 @ 6:16 pm
Look forward to reading it…
Comment by Paul Fromont — December 9, 2004 @ 9:05 am
Does it make it into the Christmas issue? And who was the interviewer? A couple of the Christmas articles from past Listener’s are readings for BCNZ BMin NT-A distance course (98 & 99?) – maybe time to add another?
Comment by StephenG — December 9, 2004 @ 2:02 pm