Wednesday, June 23, 2010
stories, stories everywhere: 2010 storytelling conference
The 10th National Biblical Storytelling Gathering is happening on 24 – 26 September 2010, and for the first time ever, in South Australia. The gatherings have a reputation of being times of rich community, vibrant creativity; full of inspirational, renewal and fun.
I am one of the speakers and my task is to reflect on the place of storytelling as it relates to ministry in communities of faith. I will tell some gospel stories reimagined, and discuss the processes by which they emerged.
Each year participants are also invited to take part in an Epic Telling – a longer story is broken into smaller portions that each person prepares and then tells in order. It is a remarkable way to tell and to hear the biblical stories and this year will focus of the gospel of Matthew.
Workshops will also build up skills in telling the biblical story, including using different media and Godly Play; reflect on story and healing; explore story and music, story and worship and how to help people to shape and tell their own stories.
So, who among your communities tells the biblical story and would appreciate the opportunity to gather with others who tell the story, the opportunity to build up their skills? Who among your communities is passionate about the role that story plays in the wholeness of our humanity? Pass on to them the registration form … application form
Wish I could be there. If you ever want a Biblical storyteller from Seattle on your agenda…let me know. Been doing it as a career for 14+ years and pray God lets me do another 44!
Have a great time…Keith
Comment by Keith Ferrin — June 23, 2010 @ 6:53 am
looks very interesting…
looks oh so dang close to blackstump too…
Comment by Darren — July 13, 2010 @ 10:19 pm