Wednesday, August 09, 2006
txt blessings
We are passionate about communicating via our cell phones; God is passionate about communicating with us. Can we use our cell phones to communicate God’s blessing? The passionate practice for August is texting a blessing.
This blessing was one example suggested:
U r nt a accident
U r unique
U were creatd 4 a purpose
God loves u
For an introduction:
to passionate practices go here; for a passionate practice of discernment go here; for a passionate practices of pilgrimage go here.
For book resources:
Practicing Passion: Youth and the Quest for a Passionate Church gave an initial theological framework and opened my eyes to passion as a way to affirm youth spirituality; God bearing life:The Art of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry
, which has excellent reflection on passion and passion in youth ministry; and Soul Tending
which is stacked with actual practices.
I have to be the only human on this planet to have his own -software- company… total geekdom… yet not own a cell phone… and I don’t have a goatee… and look fairly normal from the outside.
Comment by Keith — August 9, 2006 @ 9:23 pm
Wot a gr8 idea! Thnk u stev 4 th xampl. I cn c many txt blesngs snt, esp wth fre txt etc.
Comment by Anita — August 10, 2006 @ 8:03 am