Thursday, September 21, 2006
with permission
I am stoked. And humbled. And blown away.
Just had an email request in relation to my Out of Bounds Church? book. A US seminary, with a track record of innovation and intentionality around missional church, is currently going through a consultancy process. And could they have permission (Zondervan said yes!) to use the first 2 chapters of my book as preparatory reading in the ongoing process of re-imagining.
(In the first chapter I use a “newspaper sociology” (an approach coined by Alvin Gouldner) to explore contemporary culture. In the second chapter (applying the work of Michel de Certeau
) I argue that our starting point, both theological and missional, is to read the everyday practices of people and church communities. This reading is an affirmation of the belief in the Spirit of God active in the lives of people and allows us to partner with missio dei, God’s activity in the world God loves.)
I struggle to get my head around the fact that my little book could be part of change processes among seminary leaderships.
(This post is a repeat of a post on my out of bounds church? book blog).
That is such encouraging news 🙂
Although I am a sinner who has fallen short of writing a publishable review of your book, of the several good missional books that I have read over the past year yours stands out, because you are grappling with the issues from within the context of the inherited church. This makes it so relevant/encouraging/applicable to the seminary context, and for those who have come through the seminary; in contrast to models from outside of the inherited church (and, hey, we need those too), which can feel harder to transfer, or even dismissive of the traditional church/church leader.
So I’m glad your book has been taken up; and I hope, and pray, that other seminaries/colleges will take it up too.
Every blessing!
Comment by Andrew Dowsett — September 22, 2006 @ 10:13 pm
Interesting perspective Andrew. The book was written from the context of church planting and before I took up my role at Opawa where I have much more specifically looked to engage emerging within established.
appreciate your encouragement and prayers,
Comment by steve — September 22, 2006 @ 10:27 pm