Tuesday, January 17, 2012

and now we’re back. So hi ho, hi ho

32 days after we left for home/New Zealand/holidays, we’re back, in Australia, at home, and starting to think about the year ahead.

It promises to be a MOST interesting year. First, we move into our very own Australian “project” – a house that needs a LOT of attention! More on this in the coming days! I promise.

Second, come 1st of July, I start as Principal of Uniting College. I’m feeling pretty daunted by the title and the expectation and am intrigued by how that role will unfold over the latter half of the year.

Third, due to starting as Principal, it was decided just before Christmas that it might be wise for me to take some study leave before I begin. (I was due for study leave first semester of 2013, ie 6 months after I would have begun as Principal). So from April to June 2012, I have three months to do some writing, followed by another three months December 2012 -March 2013.

A year of new house, new job and study leave. What impact will all this have on the old stress levels I wonder? Whatever might come, it certainly promises to be an event-filled year!

So, first things first, might as well head off to work tomorrow …

Posted by steve at 08:02 PM


  1. How do you manage a long period of study? Being a creative person how do you infuse creativity into your study time?

    Comment by Aaron — January 18, 2012 @ 7:36 am

  2. What a great question. I might take it to my spiritual director plus line manager, and then get back to you!

    For a start, I am taking it in 2 blocks of 3 months, not one. That will definitely help.

    And have different tasks to keep me going – an academic writing task, a play writing task, a reading task etc.

    And I learnt a lot from my September study leave, when rather than read and write, I went to Lindisfarne to walk and be. That was very life giving. It lead to this (http://emergentkiwi.org.nz/archive/pilgrimage-a-lindisfarne-photo-essay/) and was actually very important in my discernment process re being a principal.

    So something in there about having retreats that are not intellectual. I did the same when I walked the Riesling Trail in the Clare valley back in 2008 (http://emergentkiwi.org.nz/archive/retreating-along-a-wine-trail/).


    Comment by steve — January 18, 2012 @ 9:18 am

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