Tuesday, December 19, 2006
overseas travel in 2007
I have a group in the US who have asked me to speak in the Los Angeles area either May 19, 20 OR June 2, 3. All expenses are paid but it is a long way to go and a lot of personal energy for one gig. Are there any other groups around the Pacific Coast-area who could use me either side of these dates?
In terms of my other overseas travel plans in 2007; I am
– in Melbourne with Churches of Christ May 5, 6;
– in Auckland with the Anglicans July 3-5;
– in Los Angeles July 9-13 at Fuller Theological Seminary (pencil booked), then Seattle 16-19 July.
Contact me if I am in your area and you think I could help your emerging and missional church conversations around any of those dates. I can consult and converse and speak.
Posted by steve at 01:43 PM
Hey Steve… You couldn’t stop off in Glasgow on the way, could you???
The UK needs you
Comment by thomas aka Headphonaught — December 19, 2006 @ 8:28 pm
luv 2. but that requires you UK people to issue an invite and organise amongst yourself to make it work financially.
Comment by steve — December 19, 2006 @ 9:11 pm
steve, i’d happily explore whether you might come across to adelaide before or after your trip to melbourne in may. please email me and we can chat some more. craig.mitchell@flinders.edu.au
Comment by Craig Mitchell — December 19, 2006 @ 11:50 pm
Hey Steve, great to connect with you when you did the Living the Text class at Fuller (what little I was able to catch). I would love to connect with you as we are in the midst of missional transformation in Hollywood. I’m not sure exactly what shape that would take, but I’d appreciate even a simple cup of coffee and an hour’s conversation.
Advent peace!
Comment by Ryan Bell — December 23, 2006 @ 6:35 pm
Hey Steve, great to connect with you when you did the Living the Text class at Fuller (what little I was able to catch). I would love to connect with you as we are in the midst of missional transformation in Hollywood. I’m not sure exactly what shape that would take, but I’d appreciate even a simple cup of coffee and an hour’s conversation.
Advent peace!
Comment by Ryan Bell — December 23, 2006 @ 6:35 pm