Tuesday, March 22, 2005
tuesday of easter week
On the Tuesday of Easter Week, in the postmodern evangeegg, the colour is brown. Why brown? Because during Easter week, Jesus announced that unless a seed falls into the ground and dies, it can not produce many seeds.
Today, at our 7 pm service, we break open a brown (painted) piece of polystrene. Inside is a seed, which we plant in the earth. And we reflect, as we walk with Jesus toward Easter … What needs to die in our lives this week? What needs to planted in our lives this week?
Note re environment: This is a very organic image. It reminds us that what Jesus did at Easter, the atonement, is more than Jesus dying for individual sin. Jesus journey connects us with our environment, with the cycles of birth and death. As we feel soil and seed tonight, we are earthing ourselves with God the Creator, and Jesus the Re-Creator, dying for planet as well as people.
Nice idea.
What happens to the polystyrene blocks? Isn’t it one of the things you can’t recycle in the council collected roadside bins?
Comment by StephenG — March 22, 2005 @ 3:43 pm
yep – can’t recycle polystrene. so it was waste before we start and its waste when we finish.
are we using waste? is there something redemptive about using what is already landfill rubbish?
Comment by steve — March 22, 2005 @ 3:49 pm
Had a quick skim of the net. Looks like it is possible to recycle it but you need to get it to the transfer station. The final step of today might be for someone to take the polystyrene there (acknowledging the cost of caring for creation?).
Comment by StephenG — March 22, 2005 @ 4:15 pm