
:: the hoiho (yellow-eyed) penguin
Christians must work to create conditions in which human beings and the whole created world live as God intended.
:: NT Wright, Colossians and Philemon, IVP, Leicester, Eedmans, 1986, 80.
Posted by steve at
02:54 PM
Where’s the Wright quote from? I could use that next week.
It echoes Andrew Linzey’s comments:
The question Who do we think we are in creation? is theologically urgent. If only Christians and churches could regain a new kind of confidence in our own gospel theology, we might be able to show our contemporaries a vision of how creation should be, and a corresponding sense of moral limits. Karl Barth wrote: Tell me your Christology, and I will tell you who you are. It may be that what we believe about Christ is far more significant for the future of Gods other creatures than we could possibly imagine.
Comment by Stephen — May 14, 2004 @ 3:50 pm
NT Wright, Colossians and Philemon, IVP, Leicester, Eedmans, 1986, 80… updated the blog to Stephen…
Comment by steve — May 14, 2004 @ 4:14 pm
Thanks. I’ll have a look in the library on Monday.
Comment by Stephen — May 14, 2004 @ 4:24 pm
Hoiho: Yellow-eyed Penguins
Steve’s posting, e~mergent kiwi: world:views, about the Hoiho (Yellow-eyed Penguin) has been rattling around inside my head this week as I think about “the new heaven and the new earth” found in the Christian hope. Made me stop and think…
Comment by Greenflame — May 20, 2004 @ 10:20 pm